Selling Solar Panel / Solar Cell Surabaya
Is a system that can be used to convert sunlight energy into electrical energy using a principle called the photovoltaic effect. The need for electricity is increasing every year. However, this condition makes non-renewable energy increasingly depleted. Therefore, you need to use alternative sources of electrical energy.
An alternative energy source that can be used to create electricity is sunlight. Sunlight can be found easily in Indonesia. With the Solar Panel / Solar Cell, the sunlight that radiates will be converted into electrical energy. Krisna Energi sells Solar Panels / Solar Cells in Surabaya with the most complete variety of types and brands at affordable prices.
Advantages of Using Solar Panels / Solar Cells
Solar power is a powerful source of energy that can provide suitable electricity for your home. It is the cleanest and most abundant renewable resource that can efficiently power your premises in a cost effective manner. Therefore, the utilization of solar energy can provide benefits as mentioned above and help preserve the earth for future generations. There are various advantages of using solar cells or solar panels, namely:
- Save on electricity bills
- Environmentally friendly
- Easy to apply in Indonesia
- Easy installation
- Does not require fuel oil
- Affordable Solar Panel / Solar Cell prices
How Do Solar Panels / Solar Cells Work?
Solar Panels / Solar Cells work by passing the photoelectric effect, where each particular part will produce an electric current or current when the main device of the cell is exposed to sunlight. Solar Panels / Solar Cells themselves actually have crystalline silicon material and from each half in dopine will be dopants which will produce semiconductors. When sunlight emits light to the cell surface, the solar panel has provided an energy, which energy is needed for the semiconductor process to produce DC direct current.
Selling Solar Panel / Solar Cell Surabaya
Maybe many of you are confused where to buy genuine high quality Solar Panels / Solar Cells? At Krisna Energi you will find it. We are a professional company in the field of Solar Panels / Solar Cells. We present solar cell products that are in:
SHS PLTS Package
Solar Power PJU SUNPOWER Light Package
Solar Power PJU Package 2 In 1 System
PLTS On Grid
PLTS Off Grid
PLTS Off Grid Hybrid
PLTS Ship Packages
Please contact us now for detailed information related to solar panel products. what you need.